

25 years old, Kaliningrad

He is second to none in the city in the knowledge of the devices and the work of the vehicle. Alex is an auto mechanic and lives with his paternal grandmother. His mother is sure that it was his grandmother's fault that he started using drugs. According to her, having lost her only son, Alex's father, grandmother showed all her mother's love for her grandson. She always gave him money, so that he lacked nothing. Eventually, Alex was in need ... of another dose. Once open and sociable guy, suddenly became quick-tempered and irritable. Quitted his classes at the gym.

Now he's a "champion" among the participants of the project, because the first time he tried drugs was at the age of 13.

The last 5 years have only used heroin. That said, an overdose happens almost every year. Last year he was treated twice, but it was ineffective. Participation in the Doctor Life project is his last hope to get cured.

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  • George   18.09.2012, 22:35
    To Amy D.: Of course it is, it is a matter of personal will, belief and help of the professionals! Pretty cool reality project, never seen that kinda thing before!! Hopefully these project participants will use their chances to get out of this mess.
  • Amy D.   18.09.2012, 22:26
    "..the first time he tried drugs was at the age of 13.." seriously!?!!!!! OMG, he is been using drugs for 12 years!!! I wonder if it is possible to quit drugs at all... because they never do(((( And thats sad, but good luck Alex!
  • Samantha   18.09.2012, 21:38
    Alex doesn't look like an addict to me..dunno, compared to others he looks fine!

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