
The World League “Mind Free of Drugs” carries out its 50–years long-term anti-drug program under the slogan "No hard drugs!” and pursuits the goal of forming a social matrix of conscious psychological immunity to drugs. The World League presents an educational TV Project Dr. Life composed as a reality TV devoted to drug addicts who want to be cured...
Project heros
25 years old, Kaliningrad
Anatoliy Nesmiyanov
36 years old, Magadan
Andrey Kroshanov
33 years old, Moscow
Victor Malleker
30 years old, Bonn
Gleb Antonov
23 years old, Seattle, USA
Ekaterina Antipova
27 years old, Magadan
Irina Anisimova
28 years old, Moscow
The Italian
39 years old, Moscow
Doctor Life: newsreel
Doctor Life Series Finale Released!
Doctor Life’s season finale was broadcast worldwide November 8th, 2013. The 20th and final episode titled “A Year Later” featured eight participants – all drug addicts and citizens of the Russian Federation, Germany and the United States Details
Andrei Kroshanov is dead
The finalist of a TV project «Doctor Life» Andrei Kroshanov is dead. Viewers will remember him as a purposeful and strong person, but at the same time a gentle and kind man Details
Legendary Boxer Mike Tyson Issued Invitation to Kyrgyzstan
Dr. Jenishbek Nazaraliev has extended an invitation to former Heavy weight Boxing Champion of the World Mike Tyson to KO his alcohol addiction. Four-time World Light Welterweight Champion Kostya Tszyu and Boxing Champion Almazbek Rayimkulov have pledged their support of Mike Tyson undergoing treatment at MCNazaraliev in Kyrgyzstan. Details
President of the World League “Mind Free of Drugs” JenishbekNazaraliev: The Eurasian Protective Umbrella against Afghan Extremism
Currently, Kyrgyzstan chairs the Organization of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Armenia. This is an important and crucial moment for Kyrgyzstan and for the whole of Central Asia. In 2014, when the NATO coalition will minimize its presence in Afghanistan and Central Asia, the CSTO will need to strengthen the influence on the regional geopolitics, but above all - to secure the participating countries from the threats of extremism, terrorism, and the increasing potential of conflict, instability and disruption Details
Tajikistan Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic supported the Maya Planet exhibition holding in Dushanbe
This past Monday, on April 22, a meeting was held between the President of the World League "Mind Free of Drugs" Professor Jenishbek Nazaraliev and Olim Rakhimov, the Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Kyrgyz Republic. Details
Treatment stages
Therapeutic concept
Central Cholinolytic Blocade (CCB)
Stress-Energetic Psychotherapy (SEPT)
We are supported by
His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
The spiritual leader of Buddhists
Omar Belgiti, Morocco
Dr. Tahir Akhtar
Chairman & Founder Adam Holdings
Gan Lulu
Chinese model and Actress
James Hartmann, Austria
Honorable Member of Phenomenology Society and Existential Philosophy
Konstantin Trubner, Israeil
Doctor of Economic Sciences and Public Affairs. Emeritus Professor of the Open University of Israel
Leopold von Bern, Germany
Expert in narcology
Maya Murofushi, Japan
Model and Actress
Official Recognition

On June 7 (2011), the joint meeting of the Scientific Council on Addiction of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) and the Academic Board of the National Research Center on Addiction of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation took place in Moscow, where MD, Professor J.B. Nazaraliev presented the extensive scientific report on his author’s method of treatment and rehabilitation of alcohol and drug addicts.It took more than 20 years for the system of treatment, developed and used by the well-known Kyrgyz professor, to receive the high scientific and practical recognition in Russia.
It took more than 20 years for the system of treatment, developed and used by the well-known Kyrgyz professor, to receive the high scientific and practical recognition in Russia.
In details...Tashtar-Ata – Inclusion to Eternity

"The Mountain of Salvation" Tashtar – Ata, among such time anchors, as the Pyramids of Giza (Egypt) and the city of Machu Picchu (Peru) has a detached location. The sacred meaning of this place for the ancient people was bit by bit restored in our days. Mixed with historical events, ancient legends created a unique halo of mystery, majesty and prayfulness of this place.

This round shape stone the geological age of which is 350 million years stands for the symbol of the World League ‘Mind Free of Drugs’ that symbolizes the unity of the Spirit and Mind.
In details...The Plate of Hope

The life of a man is an entwinement of possibilities, some of them are missed and some are fulfilled by us…Only one event from thousand really sticks into our mind, now it’s the event. You’ve got the chance that will change you. Life or slow death, there isn’t any alternative. You’re the chosen one and life provided you with the right to determine on your future.
Ohh come on again the same ... I wanna see action!!! for two episodes they are talkin about fuckin Italian! It's not such important issue to pay so much attention. I wanna see what is goin on with other guys, how is their rehab, etc. details
I have never seen such a reality show like this! details
Hope to see those guys in a year in the pink and shiny! they had a very strong basement to change their lives! details
Hope to see those guys in a year in the pink and shiny! they had a very strong basement to change their lives! details
One more educational tv show? i dont know. i am not sure whether it will work in that way organizers think of...there is a big big doubt...unfortunately details
Still trippin' on because of my life getting wrong
Trying to work out the best shit to correctly fit
Pros and cons derived from experience of my own
Is there anybody or anything saint for me to lead
Baby, this is how it goes
Your friends and foes
Your falls and goals
Aight, you get me right
No... details