Recap of the 7th episode: The Common Analysis

11.10.2012, 17:39

It was in the last episode when clinic and the patients seemed to exist in the “two-edged” idyll. The relationships among the patients were surprisingly harmonious, whereas doctors played the role of soft mentors. There were no signs of a trouble. Italian –received the pack of cannabis from an “afro guy with scars”. This situation raised the anger among participants of Doctor Life.

The seventh episode is not like the previous ones, where the treatment procedures mix with doubts, fears, and cheering someone up. Easy-going patients never showed the high moral requirements to each other. Most of them, like Irina Anisimova were sure, that everything that happened around her, was not her business. However the consequences of the situation, when Italian took the light drug just for fun, when handshaking with someone at the clinic’s bar, turned out to be more than serious.

Irina is in a step of being accused in complicity and be drawn into the conflict. Shy and unsociable, Irina has got along well only with Italian. Italian in turn didn’t forget to mention that drug found him in hands of afro-guy, while he was walking with Irina. Further Italian, was predictably infantile by showing his seducing catch to his father. From father’s hands, this small pack with cannabis dust got into the hands of professor Nazaraliev. “It’s not even enough for the doze,”-professor said. Although enough for the inside brainstorm of every participant.

“I’m a normal person, - Irina justifies herself. - I came here to be treated and not to smoke weed.” Other participants had a chance to feel how sincere their motivation was. However, it became stronger after they gained more doubts about someone in the common harness. “One day, we can meet or cannot. We might write to each other or might not,-Victor Mallecker says. – There is a saying in Germany –“People meet each other two times in a life.” The outcome of the emergency resulted in the mistrustfulness and paranoia in its initial form.

Explaining the situation, Italian says that he faced to this challenge because of his personal qualities and respect from all the participants and others. However, if in the closed communities the nicknames are given for actions, the presence or absence of virtues, after the 7th episode the Italian could be bravely called as an instigator and provoker. This is how his role was accepted by other project participants, deeply concerned with this issue. Italian used to vainly discuss that if a person gives him something, he cannot refuse from this “gift”, forgetting the fact that first, he received a chance for treatment.

“If I’m not treated here, I would jump into the Rein with a stone tied around my neck,”- says Victor Mallecker. “We need to get ready! - He calls everyone. – We will be offered spoon, heroin, syringe – everything.” The distrust might have been towards the doctors, but they never test patients on drugs. Elmira Satybekova, reminds us that and this questions is not raised anymore.

Was that a provocation or simply a provocation as a gift? Anyways, all of the participants were forced to pass the test on the content of drug in urine. Some remaining pieces in the permissible level were reveled in the test of Italian. Anatoly Nesmiyanov showed more emotional reaction in comparison with other participants and called everyone to punish Italian by hitting him 20 times by the deck. After, he admits: “I’m scared to be kicked off from this project. It’s an open clinic with such aura,”- he gets lost, when the director of the project talks with participants and tells about its special traditions.

At the meeting with doctors, professor states: “If this Italian provokes others, he is the last bastard. If he bothers anyone, at least one of the participants, we need to remove him.” The play in provocation turns into situation, when project participants must define the further fate of Italian on their own, instead of praising him for his strong will, as he expected.

Victor is the first one, who sees the problem of making the hasty decision: “We define his fate, if he is removed, he will use and die from the overdose!”- Victor sobers up other group members, and those who are indifferent to Italian. However, there is still an intrigue, despite the negative test results of the participants. Italian depends on a hair from the untimely discharge. His dad won’t appreciate it for sure.

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