Irina Anisimova: So that no one will see
Not long ago, Irina Anisimova was one of the candidates to be kicked out from the project because of her introversion and depressiveness. Thanks to the efforts of the doctors and support from the other patients, she managed to be open up more or less. A desire to fight on and a smile appeared on her face. Today she openly talks about the most difficult moments of the first stage of treatment, and relationships with the project participants.
"I want to go to the restroom. And they told me - use diapers!" |
At what point was particularly difficult?
- Coma, which I acted stupid. The first three – affected the most. I felt very bad. Could not get up. Hands were cold, very scary. I sat there and tried to eat a pie, but could not find my mouth. You come to life for a while, and then again. I came into the room of Olga and Andrey and I was looking for a comb like I was at my own home. They asked me: "Ira what are you doing?" I said: "I’m looking for a comb! In the sink or on the fridge?" As soon as they sat me, I got up and stared walking like at home. Or Marat, the doctor asked me: "Where are you?" I say: "in Bishkek!" He said: "Who am I?" - "The Doctor". "And what is my name?" I sit there like a stupid person. He said: "Santa Claus?" Me: "Yes, Santa Claus!" I felt like I was talking very loud, but it turns out that they barely could hear me. And it was terrible with those diapers. I say, I will not go into this diaper. I want to use the restroom. And they told me – use a diaper! Well, everyone had this problem. Back then it wasn’t fun.
How do you feel now?
- Well, I can say that I am much healthier now! Strength and mood appeared. I have a motivation for a normal life. No doubts. Previously, I used to leave for another city in order not to inject, but when I came back, I had a desire to inject. Now I don’t. It's all because I feel normal physically. Because when you don’t have strength, everything aches, and it kills you, you start thinking, why do you need a sober life? And now everything is fine. It makes no sense to go back to the past life. If I cannot be cured in this hospital, I will not be cured anywhere else. I want a second child, but doctors say right now I can’t. After two years. Although everywhere it is written that you can have a baby after six months. Then it will be all right.
"I think that even if something will happen and you start to inject again, it won’t be easier! There will only be two problems". |
Do you think that something can happen that will make you break?
- I think that even if something will happen and you start to inject again, it won’t be easier! There will only be two problems. This hospital is the best and if I will go back to my past I will never get back, it will be the end. I will not get back to normal life.
Did you talk to your daughter?
- No. Why should I bother her? I'd better call her in 30 minutes before the arrival, rather than she will be waiting for me all this time and will not be able to study well.
What kind of relationship do you have with the other participants?
- I talk less with the Italian and Alex. But equally the same with the rest. No one fights. We live close with Olga and Andrey in Moscow. After the treatment we will meet. And I think, with the rest as well. As long as there is a desire. Looking at them, I would have never said that they were injecting.
Who has more risk to fall down after the project?
- Of course I wish that everyone will be fine. Most likely, it will be hard for the Italian. Recently, I think, did he inject, or not? I even remember the first day when many were feeling bad, he was not really worried. Together with Andrey we worried a lot. Will they put the catheter?
We woke up at night, and called the doctor. The Italian slept the night well. And he has veins on his legs. Here no one has veins. All except him came here to be treated.
"No one thought about the filming, and the first thing he did was he wrote the text message: "Oh, write something, because Gleb has so many fans, and I have no comments". |
No one thought about this subject, and the first thing he wrote the text message: "Oh, write, and then Gleb so many fans, and I have no comment." It is a solid game. He wants to be filmed more, so that, someone would recognize him. When we went to the hospital, he just started talking to the first comer, saying that we're from the project, blah, blah, blah, we are being treated. It is important for him, that people will look at him on the Internet. For me it’s better not to be seen at all. And he has such thoughts. I no longer listen to him carefully. The fact that he lies a lot, that's for sure!