Cleaning the restless mind

03.11.2012, 12:57

The game of "broken telephone" does not only show how the principle of word of mouth generates misinformation and rumors, but also on how well a particular person perceives the information. To the heroes of the Doctor Life reality show it is difficult to achieve Zen and look at how the world flows from one state into another. They still have not found a happy alternative to their narcotic lifestyle.

Psychologist offers to play a simple game - retell the story to the other companion the way you remember it and understand. The legend with a very tragic ending served as a story for retelling, but it had a clear moral: Money cannot buy love, and granted omnipotence can bring punishment of the gods.

However, the memory of the offense of the Khan who decided to snitch a wife – a woman in love with a shepherd, who later chipped in for a sign of rejection of their marriage from one of the towers of Khan's luxury palace, may not look like an unpleasant consequence of somebody's broken life, but as an oasis. That's how the alpine lake Issyk-Kul looks, and it was formed as a result of the fact that the gods have flooded the lowland between mountains with water, thus punished Khan for willfulness and bride kidnapping.

The chain of narration begins with Ekaterina who pretty rewrote the legend in her own way. She hears a “full” story. But already when it comes to Alex, the fourth participant, the story looks like this: Khan stole a bride and killed her lover, for which the gods took him to the edge of the cliff, from where he chipped in being in the condition of hazy mind. And in what connection is the Issyk-Kul? Herein, we're going there, repeated the participants. Nevertheless, we should pay tribute to the funniest episode for the entire treatment period. Personal view of the world, and most importantly - individual dictionary added to the twisted carcass of the original legend. Participants clearly were selling the story not for the bought prize. Humor, confusion, doubt, exaggerations.

After psychological relaxation the heroes learned three variations of breathing - a deep, rapid and shallow. Lying on the floor, and conducting with hands, the participants reached edematous effect and tingling all over their body as from the “pose of lotus" - Gleb explained. Then the instructor pressed a finger between the eyebrows, as if there is a "switch off" button, and the participants levitated in their feelings. In fact, the feeling of soaring like in Victor Malleker’s case, accompanied by some physical ailment. Pain in the liver, shriveled lungs and general laxity appeared.

The game of the "broken telephone" continued with the conversations on the lawn with a psychiatrist Elmira Satybekova. Participants freely talked about their impressions of the consultation with professor Nazaraliev. It turns out that there are two different things – to look at them chained in front of the professors and to listen to their own thoughts, how it went. But always remained a deep essence of the fifteen-minute conversations – everyone received recharge from the professor’s energy and thought about the meaning of life. Although at the peak of the intelligible things, Andrey Kroshanov is still concerned about a lot of money. "There will be no more such a big amount of money that we used to spend on drugs", - Victor says to all the participants. From rogues, thieves and dishonest scoundrel in need, the heroes of Doctor Life should become active and law-abiding citizens. What is irrevocable for the residents of Germany, it does not seem true in the last instance for the participants from Russia. And this is not many people’s problem, it is a residual echo of wild capitalism.

The result of the conversation with the doctor on the lawn was the official announcement of the completion of the first phase of rehabilitation. Participants should leave the main building of the hospital and go to the shore of a mountain lake Issyk-Kul, the legend of the appearance of which they crippled during the psychological training. Yurt camp Ak-Tengir, which means "bright space," "welcomed" the heroes, and when Anatoliy Nesmiyanov asked "will there be more pills?" the instructor responded - no. If the Doctor Life participants will abuse something else, it will be a placebo. But it seems that they already hold a pill under the tongue, showing that recovery began in their mind.

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