Looking Back: The dynamics of recovery
After all they reached the final. They were able to overcome themselves, to stand against their own demons, stand the "breakage" test, a mountain road and the stress-energy psychotherapy. And now they are people free of drug addiction.
On the website gallery the albums were created of those, who emerged the winner in the battle with addiction. In the photos you can observe the step by step dynamics of recovery of Ekaterina Antipova, Anatoliy Nesmiyanova, Victor Mallekera and Andrey Kroshanov. Exhausted at the beginning, with dimmed eyes, by the end of treatment, they are transformed changing from a tired, crushed by a narcotic vice people in strong individuals with healthy body and mind.
Before the Doctor Life project, Andrey Kroshanov was falling apart literally
Victor Malleker, two-time champion in boxing in Germany, threatened to throw himself into the Rhine, if treatment will not help him.
Ekaterina Antipova impressed everyone with her animalism
Anatoliy Nesmiyanov proved himself a true leader, he never lost his way to freedom