Doctor Life’s Glossary
28.11.2012, 18:32
Besides jargon, which was widely used by the heroes of the Reality Show ‘Doctor Life’ there was a huge amount of specific terminology. We suggest a guideline, which will help to better understand what was really happening in front of the cameras during the filming process.
The gong is on. Participants are circled facing each other. Aum is the sound and a form of many sacred sounds with the help of which people can elevate between past and future. Time stops running while you are chanting this sacred sound.
Bania- The Bath
Smeared all over the whole body with the healing argil, looking like cartoon personages and making fun of each other, the participants undergo a special procedure called detoxication. Doctor reminds to participants, that unhealthy salts and heavy metals must be eliminated from body system. Only after completing such procedure we can be assured that bodies of the patients are no longer preserve the traces of narcotization and all toxins are withdrawn. This procedure is followed by hot steamed bath and swimming in healing waters of Issyk-Kul lake.

Blockade- Central Cholinolitic Blockade
During the first stage of the treatment process, the participants of the reality show Doctor Life, underwent a procedure called Central Cholinolitic Blockade. This is the unique method of releasing the withdrawal syndrome of the patient. It is also called Atropine-Comatose-Therapy. During the procedure, the department where it is realize, reminds of a space ship in a scientific, fantasy movie.
Video survey
The survey was 24/7. There was a huge amount of video cameras, which constantly followed the participants. A special team of loggers was situated behind cameras round clock, watching the smooth flow of the filming process and picking the most interesting moments that were later, passed on to the viewers.
Internal Foes
Psychologists have a reason to always first listen carefully. Any speech carries autobiographic elements of the person who talks. Liberal and confident Gleb, stated that he considers foes as an obstacle which lessens his desire to take drugs. Victor choses another expressional way, he brutally announced that he has only one foe.
During the psychotherapy session, Andrey draws helf elephant half horse. Similar to Kentavor from Greek Tales. His internal animal has only one friend, the Giraffe, and has no foes what so ever.

Just a few months ago, Irina Anisimova has not even suspected that she will celebrate her 29th birthday in a foreign country so far away from home, in the warm company of her new friends. This year, her birthday fell along with her rebirth-treatment in the clinic of Doctor Nazaraliev. She was smiling all evening, saying that usually she hates birthdays, but this day is like no others, extremely special for her. My friends gave me presents, flowers, paintings and a whip, which I use to get rid of the devils
Money was the key topic to the fifth episode. Gimmi the money! – is how Andrey Kroshanov formulated his question to his parents while using drugs back home.
Vitor Melleker never remembered where he was hiding his credit cards and checks. Anatolyi Nesmiyanov, always promises to pay his mother back and never does.
Since my son Anatoly started using drugs, our life finished, we simply started existing, says Anatoly’s mother during the session therapy with a shrink. We were so ashamed, because unfortunately, when everyone knows that your child is a drug addict it is already too late, as you were the last one to know.
Jonny Depp
Our international participant Gleb Antonov from Seattle had attracted ladies’ attention since the very beginning of the reality show. Even the team of operators and directors became sympathetic to him and started calling him Jonnie Depp. This guy’s dream is to become a popular car racer, plus, he is eager to conquer Hollywood.

Just before leaving her home and flying to Bishkek to undergo treatment, Irina injected herself with heroine dosage. The dosage norm for Andrey is 0.5 grams. Victor and Alex were also using heroine, plus they both shared a passion for alcohol. Gleb is on the other hand, was caring about his hands, and instead of injecting he simply smoked heroine. Anatoly and Ekaterina, were cooking and injecting dezomorphine, known as crocodile. The Italian had a remission, and did not use heroin for 3 years. After that, he had a relapse.
There were no fights during the whole show. Only during the pilgrimage, Anatoly and Andrey made a deal. If one or another will give up on the way to Tashtar Ata, one will get a punch on the face. It never happened.
The participant from USA, Gleb Antonov, was not expecting to do something he adores doing while getting treated in the clinic. Meeting with local drifters was surprising! He could finally talk about his passion in one of the garages, sharing all he knows with another drifter. Guys also told him about drifting in Kyrgyzstan, shown his their auto park and later even had a chance to test an old airport way which was located 45 km away from the city.
In only five minute, it is possible to release the depression, regain confidence, and get energy supply for the whole day using breathing techniques. Nevertheless, professor suggests that it is even more effective if one is able to attain the level of eternal emptiness while practicing breathing techniques. That is when you are truly getting caught in the magic circle. Prior to very important meetings, Doctor likes to use these techniques himself.

The participants are given a task to build a labyrinth. The psychologists explain, that according to Karl Gustav Yung’s theory, a person who enters the labyrinth gets a rebirth. Monks were erecting labyrinths as a symbol of overcoming confusion and the path out as a way to true belief, and labor therapy along is always useful. Regardless arguments, and fights during the construction of the labyrinth, the participants finally finished it as it was initially planned.
Lapidopsychotherapy – is a work with stone. This psychological work is directed towards strengthening the psychic system of the patient, and the obtaining of peace, calmness followed by releasing the loathness and the heavy burden off shoulders.
This is a unique complex of specially developed and introduced psychotechniques. Crafting minds, outside breathing fresh air, meditation, the dervish dance, vow of silence, swimming in the mountain lake, and other procedures, leave an unforgettable imprint in the minds of the participants. Even the labyrinth, which was a hassle for everyone, they recall with a smile on their faces.

Mobile phones and Internet
Since the very beginning of the project, the participants were literally cut of from the external world.Only once a week, they could make a phone call to their relatives. The head doctor Elchibay Junusov explained such condition saying that during the whole treatment process patients will simply have no time to use Internet or call their friends. They will be loaded with procedures.
The key element for a successful treatment is motivation. In the beginning of the reality show, Irina and Italian had the weakest motivations. Their prognoses were very weak. The absence of a true motivation served as bases to dismiss Italian one week before the completion of the treatment.
Scarred Negro
Italian brought hashish to the clinic, which, as he was saying, gave him a huge, brutal Negro in scars, in the bar. This action, evoke a storm of negativity among the participants. After the director of the show had a serious talk with Italian, the decision to leave him on the project was made. However, his peers had turned a cold foot towards Italian, and he never regained trust.

Vow of Silence
Each participant had to spend the whole day in silence, alone in isolated yurt. This therapy helps patients to accumulate energy, collect all thought and place them in order and tune themselves to a new direction in live. Staying one on one with internal self, many patients wrote letters asking for forgiveness from their parents, relatives and close ones.
Tumors and ulcers
Andrey Kroshanov flew down to Bishkek to undergo treatment together with his wife Olga. She was actually the one who sends his candidature to take a part in the casting for the show. When he arrived, he was limping heavily; his arms and legs were covered with ulcers and infected wounds. By the end of the show, a tall and brutal man with tattoos will turn into a friendly person with absolutely charming smile. During the whole treatment process, Andrey had fully recovered and improved his overall physical condition.
Acute period
The first stage of treatment process by the method of Dr. Nazaraliev is called the acute period. Almost every patient has latent illnesses or diseases. Some of the complications during the blockade were inevitable. Regardless the obstacles and problems, doctors corrected each patient in the best, possible way.

Father of Stones
At the foothills of the Sacred Mountain Tashtar Ata, translated from Kyrgyz as the Father of Stones, based on the principle f cognitive metaphor, the participants of the show chose their own, soul stones, which reflect their internal condition. Work with such stones is called Lapidopsychotherapy. The participants are carefully explained the meaning of such procedure and taken to the mountain in order to enter the second stage of the treatment process.
In the frames of a final stage of the treatment process, only four participants were appointed for a pilgrimage. Starting from the Ala Bel crossing and all the way to the mountain of Salvation Tashtar Ata. Each patient carried his stone of burden. Out of four participants, only two made it till the end. The rout is long 250 km, and only Andrey Kroshanov and Anatolyi Nesmiyanov managed the pilgrimage.
The tile of hope
Each participant of the show was presented a tile with his/her name craved on it. Each tile represents a chance given to each participant. These tiles will be concreted in the steps which lead to the mountain of salvation Tashtar Ata , which became a symbolic place for drug addicts who come there for their solvation.

After 3 years of remission, he relapses. Now, all he had gained or earned is lost. Now is the time, when he understands that professional help is needed. He is no longer able to withstand the addiction himself.
Investigatory Isolator. The remand
One and a half weeks prior to departure to Bishkek, Gleb Antonov, from Seattle, Washington, was paced in remand for irrespective attitude towards the law and the judge in the court. The sentencing decision was to perform public work or to spend 3 days in jail. He chose jail.
Anatoly Nesmiyanov could not hold his tears falling down, while he was passing through labyrinth. He asked for forgiveness from his close ones, those who he betrayed, those to whom he had lied and even those who died by his fault. Irina was crying during the Vow of Silence Session. Ekaterina was crying after she had a serious conversation with a psychologist Fatima, who unveiled to her that she was completely depending on Anatoly, and that their relationship carry danger. The co-dependents could not hold their emotions when meeting patients at the foot heels of the Tashtar-Ata Mountain after the completion of the treatment.
Broken phone
The session therapy with a psychologist Angelina, participants remembered for a long time. They haven’t laughed so sincere for a long time. For instance, the game, called broken phone, demonstrates how the disinformation and gossips can appear. At this stage, heroes having difficulties totally controlling and reaching the state of Dzen, as they still haven’t yet obtained the alternative for their narcotic way of life.
Having another fight with father, and accusing him of not supplying 25 rubles to buy a snickers, the Italian had demonstrated a major Infantilism, telling the stories about how much money he spent for drugs, up to 500, 000 rubles per month, though loosing in personal statements saying that he spent around 5000 rubbles per day.
Drug addicts are rarely see dreams in comparison with healthy ones. After the blockade, some participants regain the ability to see dreams.
The dream of Ekaterina from Magadan, had an obsessive character. She dreamt of injecting herself, the clothes of blood, high blood pressure, hallucinations and crawling centipedes.
Alex in contrary was dreaming about future. He dreamt of catching a plane and flying back home in order to watch a first series of the Reality Show Doctor Life. But when he arrives, he can’t find it. It is good that some dreams stay dreams.
Victor has a dream whether he shall choose to undergo the blockade or to sit the University exams. Finally, he realizes that the blockade is more important and vital. In ten days after you will complete your treatment process, you will sit the university exams, his psychologist tells him.
-She knows the truth, little while Victor says.
Codependent person
A codependent person is first of all an irreplaceable assistant, especially after such procedure as Central Cholinolitic Blockade. Patients are simply not able to move independently. Moral support is essential during the whole treatment process. Irina was the only participant who came with no codependent person.
Fears and anxieties
We do not remember and do not know ourselves without drugs – is the reframe of the patients’ recalls. Seems that any isolated community, in our case our participants, is willing to scarify anything for a minute of a conversation with a close one outside the project. Fears and anxieties pass from one hero to another. They induce fears and pass it around. Leitmotiv of the 4th episode was fear and anxiety. The group was overwhelmed with panic, as the presence in the clinic at one point came to a routine, and plenty of time appeared for the patients to start thinking about their future.
Social Sites
Three thousands of Gleb’s friends learnt about Gleb’s situation, with the help of his father, who has places a link on his web page. Everyone found out that he had a roman with drug addiction. The comments like: Gleb, you can do it!, pass a combined feelings of faith, amusement and defeat. Ekaterina, Gleb, Italian and Alex are very actively engaged in the social communications after they have completed the treatment.
Stress Energetic Psychotherapy, is also called shock and compared to the exorcism of the devil. During the SEPT therapy, patients are driven to a special state of mind, a trance. After that, being in a distorted state of mind, patients are partially disoriented in time and space. At this time, strong directives are implanted in their minds, supporting and providing them with confidence, assurance, and resistance towards drugs in the future. The duration of the SEPT is 20 minutes, where as patients have a feeling that it takes only 3 minutes to perform SEPT. Out of 8 participants, SEPT was prescribed to Victor Malleker, Ekaterina Antipova, and Alex, who is due to undergo SEPT after a 3 months of initial rehabilitation.
Dervish Dance
Wearing a comfortable kimono, during the second stage of the treatment process conducted on the Issyk-Kul lake, the participants were not fully understanding the meaning of the Dervish Dance, and what are the healing effects that come alone. Concentrating fully, only on one spot, they start spinning around under the sound of ancient musical instrument Didgeridoo. Slowly, but then faster and faster, catching its rhythm, the participants started repeating the words after the coach. Everything is perishable, everything is relative, only I am strong, only I am stable, I am confident, and there is nothing I could not do! According to the statement of psychotherapist and narcologist Doctor Azamat Yusupov, given psychotechnique, allowing influencing consciousness and allows correcting it. If to conduct it properly, even a state of trance can be attained. The duration of the dance is not very important, though back in ancient times, Dervishes could spin for hours, even days, without stopping for water or food intake.
Tashtar- Ata is the chronicle of human fates imprinted in more than 250 000 stoned carried here. Each stone preserves individual fate. The human made pile of stones, prayed and worshipped by askets, pilgrims, and dervishes, gives hope to those who is in need to overcome illnesses and complete the journey of rebirth. The four balbals which guard the mountain, will keep the sacred prays eternally and forever. At the very beginning of the reality show, each participant laid individual tiles, which symbolize the given chance to start a new life.
The Lusher’s Test
The color test introduced by Lusher, pictures and paintings of animals, help to identify the true psychological state of the patient. Gleb demonstrated a flying snake that feeds with small mice. The snake can be pat but it is scared of Mongooses and Fire. His only friends are flying snakes alike. The progress is noticed, the first day Gleb arrived to the clinic; he had drawn a flower, which devours all his close ones and friends.
How many anxious elements and maneuvers of the thoughts in these paintings, is hard to say, but this is something the co-dependents strive to know.
Victor draws a caw with a human face, but before, he was demonstrating a dog with wings that looked in the past, as psychologist was lately interpreting his drawings. This caw, as doctor says, is looking into the future! The understanding of what you are and who you are, had finally came, and this is the time when you can and will make the difference.