There is a choice

08.12.2012, 18:55

Modern drug addiction treatment technologies widely vary, sometimes even to the point of absurd. For instance, there are advertisements when specialists offer to rid of alcohol addiction in just one hour by the method of coding, where as another pseudo specialists offer their services straight away promising to de-code the patient back. There are only a few official and effective methods in reality. Yet, unfortunately, not all of them can be trusted. For instance, a world-know methadone therapy, which is widely supported by the WHO and the UN, is considered to be one of the most effective tools in preventing drug abuse. Seems like the program is focused on decreasing the drug turn over and its abuse, the spread of HIV, and the crime rate.  However, based on statistical data ECAD ( European Countries Against Drugs) for the past nine years in Sweden, more then 33% died and 69% continued to do crime.  In Lithuania, the rate of drug addicts rose by 8 percent. In Great Britain almost 27% of death among youth is caused by methadone usage. Trying to rid of methadone addiction, drug addict is simply addicting to methadone – a synthetic drug and the addiction is still there.

To release the craving for drugs is possible with the use of Central Cholinolitic blockade. (CHLB). The patient is put asleep with atropine, blocking the central nervous system (CNS) of the patient.

During this procedure patients are in a deep sleep and feel neither discomfort nor pain. They spend four hours in this condition and there is no need for additional medicamentous supplements. Patient can only be prescribes vitamins and immunity improving medications- comments the head doctor of the intensive care department Edil Abishkaev.

Along with other procedures, patient is able to improve overall health conditions, reach an adequate mental stability and rid of physical addiction in just 12-15 days. Some consider this procedure as dangerous, as patient sometimes do not remember anything after the coma, and some critics even state that it can be fatal. Such statements are mistaken. Anything can happen to any patient during absolutely any procedure that is why, a team of professional doctors; reanimatologists, narcologists, and psychotherapists are always on the watch. Central Cholinolitic Blockade has its cons and pros. Not every single patient can be assigned to undergo this procedure. Initially, a medical commission is evaluating the overall state and condition of the patient, followed by a thorough preparation and only then an implementation.

The modern blockade differs from an early version. There are prescriptions and complications. This method is critically crafted in our clinic. Previously our dosages were bigger; nowadays we try to decrease the amount of atropine drastically. We totally control the whole aspect of this situation. Even after a narcosis, patient can not always come to its normal state, where as we have an antidote with the help of which patient comes to a normal state after 30 seconds of its injection- doctor says.

By the way, the CHLB is classified as a stress therapy which effectiveness was proven a long time ago. If choosing the right method when treating drug or alcohol addiction, it is always rational to chose those methods which have proved its effectiveness and where only professional doctors and professors work. We have no time to naively assume that another substitute drug such as methadone is able to rid us of addiction.

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