Mission - Tuva

22.12.2012, 13:56

Professor Nazaraliev paid visit to the Republic of Tuva. What is the visit marked by?  What caught attention of Professor there? And why is he the only novateur in Kyrgyzstan?

Kyrgyzstan is a glorious country best known for unique mountain landscapes, ecologically propitious environment and low level of urbanization. It seems like they never were any technical innovations or revolutionary scientific inventions. But there must be a reservation for an exception to the rule. One of such exclusive cases took place in the beginning of the 1990s when a narcology expert Jenishbek B.Nazaraliev invented his own method of drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

Throughout twenty five years the talks on the efficiency of the method haven’t stopped up to nowadays but fact remains fact – it doesn’t malfunction, moreover it has advanced further to a new phase, to distribution in other countries. In December 2012 Professor Jenishbek Nazaraliev paid visit to the Republic of Tuva, one of the Russian Federation republics situated in East Siberia bordering with Mongolia. Professor was invited by the Head of Government of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool due to the fact of hardly eradicable alcohol addiction epidemic in Tuva.

The Republic of Tuva is one of the regions of the Russian Federation with the population of 300 hundred thousand people. As to the officials’ sayings, alcohol addiction is of specific nature. It is not related to unemployment or social problems. The creation of new job places doesn’t lead to reduction of alcohol addiction. Job placement of alcohol addiction is effective up to the first wages then workers disappear. Nowadays there are more than five thousand children whose parents were deprived of driving license due to their alcohol addiction. Whereas the official statistics stand for three thousand drug addicts only.

Tuva officials have been searching for long time. At the moment they have developed some kind of ideology based on moral and spiritual values that must help when fighting with alcohol addiction. There was a decision taken during the First Forum of Fathers to adopt a code of real man that is called for enhancement of families, solution of alcohol addiction and children homelessness and to save small people from degradation.

First thing that arrested Professor Nazaraliev’s attention in Tuva is the necessity in extra distribution of idea in the society as the ideology of survival that is both actual in Tuva and Kyrgyzstan. In global scale small people are subject not only to dispersion but epidemic outbreak that may appear as small deviation for big nations. Nevertheless accentuating the importance of work and readiness to give recommendations Professor is going to help those who need medical rehabilitation.

The Agreement on cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Tuva and the World League ‘Mind free of drugs’ led by the Professor Nazaraliev corresponds to full modernization of narcological service of the Republic of Tuva. The implementation of the project will end in 2014. Six experts from Tuva are expected to undergo professional education at the Medical Center of Professor Nazaraliev in Bishkek. There will be two psychotherapists, anesthesiologist, therapist and two coaches to learn MINDCRAFTING program.

The next stage is to open the Siberian Branch of Medical Center of Professor Nazaraliev in the city of Kyzyl. Six previously educated and qualified experts will work there. Four more experts from Kyrgyzstan will join them. The peculiarity of the branch is that it will concentrate efforts to cure alcohol addicts and mainly help for local needs.

Professor Nazaraliev makes an emphasis on scale goals and tasks of the project. In his opinion, there is no way for petty merchantile commercial interests. To save the people is of greater importance than self-interest. Like any modernizer Professor Nazaraliev will be able to exploit the rehab clinic to uttermost only when there will be enough qualified personnel. That’s why there will be outpatient’ clinic with admission and detoxication departments opened in the city of Kyzyl in 2013. Now it is expected that branch will be able to serve 10-15 patiens only.

Professor Nazaraliev also displayed an initiative to practice the opportunity of pay-your-way labour communes that must reach the number from one to ten within two years. The alcohol addicts making the group of 15-20 people will undergo the labour therapy and psychological recovery program MINDCRAFTING. Moreover Professor stood for the necessity of bringing out the alcohol addiction epidemic related researches in the region. The National Scientific Center of Narcology under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is expected to render assistance in solving this issue. It will give a broader notion on the problem and optimal solutions of fighting with it.

So far Professor has recommended to toughen the Code of Real Man. In his view, man mustn’t allow himself to drink alcohol till his children reach the age of eighteen. Specific role must be played by religion. Widespread Buddhism in Tuva may become the best spiritual support for drug addicted people. Most of the Buddhist practices are directly or indirectly reflected in the complex of psychological trainings called MINDCRAFTING. This program is aimed at the socialization of patients of Professor’s clinic.

One more innovation proposed by Professor is the idea of organizing the Institute of Senior men. Every volunteer senior man will be responsible for overseeing the specific number of people. The senior man will be tasked to eliminate drug addiction that will be coordinated with specific committee on drug addiction elimination. Officials will not exclude the measures like tenfold raising of prices on alcohol beverages. Professor Nazaraliev finds justification to tough measures due to the fact that alcoholism has become national disaster of Tuva whereas the people of this republic have not enough time to increase the self-consciousness of people and reorientation of values as this process may take from 20 to 30 years.

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