"I’m ready to support you in everything, since this project is really important for me. You explain to the world that the use of any kinds of drugs is alike the crime and this is really noble. It’s especially important for these innocent creatures – kids, who more often fall into the trap of addiction due to the lack of the proper educational program at schools that will prevent them from using this poison, called drugs. Children should know that drugs break and kill people.
You bring the knowledge, which actually doesn’t take place, but fulfill and open those feelings in us that give us the strength and ability to clearly distinguish evil from good. I’m really grateful for your work, since I’m a victim of drugs and drug dealers. One of my close ones died of AIDS, after having gone through the fire and brimstone as a result of these damned drugs. For three years, we’ve been living in the terrible and endless sufferings. You know, when a young guy makes his first step towards the drug use, he can already forget about his youth and life in general.
God grant that all those who struggle day-to-day for good purposes not to lose their power on the way to the recovery.
For all those who find this project similar to the “Big Brother”, I can say: Whether you like it or not, this program indeed has such a format... This is the truth of our life, only when we realize what we really are, what we hide from ourselves, only then we start to correct our terrible mistakes."