Geneviève Labrousse, France

 Geneviève Labrousse, France

Sculptor, designer at Paris Mint


 Geneviève has been working in the Paris Mint workshop since 1978. Among her creative achievements are:

- Bronze Medal of Paris (2003)

- Audience Award (2003)

- Prize for the sculpture in the framework of Amicale des Amateurs d'Arts (2000)

- Hank Vogel Prize at Ouistreham Riva Bella International Festival (1990)

- Peynet Competition Winner for making of 3 monumental sculptures for Japan (1988, 1989, 1990)

‘I consider every initiative, every movement useful when fighting with drugs. I was the witness of the death of one of my nephews and the son of my best friend at the age of thirty.  Drug prevention taking place in France nowadays is not enough to eliminate the problem once and for all.  I hope that the Doctor Reality TV project will find its audience. First of all, it must be addressed to teenagers because they are the first victims of drugs.  Your project is called ‘Doctor Life’ so let’s choose drug-free Life’.

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