1. What do you think about the “Doctor Life” reality show project?
"I think that the reality show “Doctor Life” is a colossal project, quite original, and even ambitious."
2. Does the concept of the project shock you?
"Not at all! It is necessary to make people face the existing reality! "
3. How, in your opinion, the French-speaking audience will react to the show?
"It is a useful experience that brings hope, and it can only be accepted positively!"
4. Do you think that the “Doctor Life” project can be useful in an informative way, in terms of prevention of drug abuse, or even from a scientific point of view?
"Of course, yes! Especially for young people, who will see the devastating causes of drug abuse in practice! This will make young people to think before they will try their first drug. What is more, our government will finally realize all the evil that drug addiction brings! Thank you for the project! "