"We are working with the World League" Mind Free of Drugs” for quite a long time. All this time, I was following the work of this organization with interest. Such a strong in spirit team, who wholeheartedly cares about the healthy life of the humanity, cannot be found anywhere else. Believe me, these guys can crush the mountains just for the sake of the idea of the universal happiness without drugs!
Our world became cynical and full of negativity, and only with aggressive propaganda and pressure it is possible to melt the hearts of people, to show that there are still those who are committed to the ideal, and who can be followed through the life path. A direct proof of this is the creation of the “Doctor Life” reality show.
I saw all the pre-rolls, and believe me, I'm very intrigued. This is a provocation, this is hope, this is “Doctor Life”! We all will witness the resurrection of love from the ashes to ones’ own life. Good luck, guys! "