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02.12.2012, 23:15

All reels


  • Maria Mamma   05.12.2012, 17:17
    Hope to see those guys in a year in the pink and shiny! they had a very strong basement to change their lives!
  • Bla-Bla manager   05.12.2012, 17:14
    One more educational tv show? i dont know. i am not sure whether it will work in that way organizers think of...there is a big big doubt...unfortunately
  • Heaven_is_the_place_for_Sinners   05.12.2012, 08:16
    Still trippin' on because of my life getting wrong
    Trying to work out the best shit to correctly fit
    Pros and cons derived from experience of my own
    Is there anybody or anything saint for me to lead

    Baby, this is how it goes
    Your friends and foes
    Your falls and goals
    Aight, you get me right
    No more drugs, no more sucks
    No more dopes, no dirty bucks

  • To_Barbra_Streisand_Racist   05.12.2012, 08:09
    Come on, you don't know what faggot this Italian is! he ain't Italian at all, it's just his nickname, there is nothing racist in my comments. You better watch each episode and learn about this bastard yourself and then you will understand my hatred towards this bloody beyatch!
  • To_Lucia Martinez   05.12.2012, 06:52
    Yep, and this is really painful once you discover your close one is an addict. What is going on? Can you tell me? Seems like Apocalypse is not Bible-related or Act of God thing, it is about people getting degradated and uneducated, gedonists do unfortunately rule-(
  • Desesperado   05.12.2012, 03:59
    it seems like this locos are imitating though I can but still hardly believ these patients are real drug addicted people. Who knows? I liked this guy Toliak or Toleek, whatever. He is very noble, as for me.
  • Barbra_Streisand_Racist   04.12.2012, 22:11
    Come on, what's wrong with you, Barbra?! Not all Italians are like him! And I guess he is half-breed or not the best example.
  • Guest   04.12.2012, 17:29
    I hit on it in Internet, what's it? Any million dollar reward?!
  • Sarah AJ   04.12.2012, 17:20
    That was GREAT SHOW!!! Unbelievable! I was really shocked when I saw Kroshanov in the begining and in the end of the show. It's deadly different person!
  • Barbra_Streisand   04.12.2012, 05:27
    We don't have this bloody Italian no more! Halelujah, God heard my voice!!! Halelujah! Though, I pity Italian, no, do I?! To hell with this Italian!!!
  • Big_Brother   03.12.2012, 17:25
    Unfortunately no attention is paid to what indeed is watchworthy. I have no words to describe how surprised I was to learn about others having these kind of problems. It is something that you try not to get close to or when you use drugs you think like 'damn, that's just for sometime'. Though it may seem a game-like a total disaster this is what drug usage leads to. Keep your hopes and dreams alive, bros and sis!
  • Lucia Martinez   03.12.2012, 08:29
    We never suspect our close ones to be drug addicts, though symptoms and hints are evident, red and glassy eyes, spontaneuos laughters...People must be educated not to commit dramatic mistakes like the relatives of these patients. God bless you all!

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